martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

"Word Cloud"

Word cloud made with WordItOut

I added a Word Cloud with some of the tools I worked with and uploaded them to my blog. Creating a Word Cloud is a different but interesting way of arranging your ideas. Actually, it is an amusing way of brainstorming. Students can use it to study, to revise vocabulary and to deliver a speech. It is an awesome tool!

lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017

Learning Objects: “Jigsawplanet”

preview48 pieceFarm animals preview55 pieceWild ani “Jigsawplanet” is a funny and interesting website since it lets you create different puzzles. Teachers can apply this tool to their classes, as students can revise vocabulary by solving puzzles. Besides, teachers can decide the amount of parts that the puzzle can have as well as the timing (it can be said that these options are part of the level of difficulty). I think that this page will engage students to participate in the classrooms while learning. This awesome website can be played by young and teen learners. In the two pictures that I shared, you can appreciate that I created two different puzzles about the topic “animals” (farm and wild animals).

domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017

Innovative Teaching Approach: "PADLET"

Hecho con Padlet
“Padlet” is a wonderful and interesting online wall in which students and teachers can brainstorm, summarize and/ or organize topics under study. It also allows you to insert images, upload videos and audios. It is a funny and motivating way to ask students to revise vocabulary or make a project in this site. You can use this website, implementing a novel way of teaching and for sure, students will be eager to work with it.

"TED: Ideas Worth Spreading"

“TED” is a wonderful page in which you can watch
plenty of videos about any topic you are interested in, as it covers an endless
range of topics. Particularly remarkable is the fact that this website can be
used in classrooms, as it allows both students and teachers to know about
certain topics and look closely how people arrange their speeches. I think such
website can be used with students at a B2- C2 levels. 


“Voki” is an amazing tool that it can be used by students and teachers. This website allows its users to create eye-catching and various avatars such as folk people, animals, monsters, presidents, among others. It can also let you choose outfits, clothing and accessories (sunglasses, hats, etc). Once you choose a character, you can give the avatar voice and make it speak what you want. You will be amazed when you explore this excellent site, as it offers you plenty of possibility to work with it in the classrooms. On the left, you can appreciate my original avatar that is a firefighter- Susan. Susan will speak about the things that firefighters can and/or cannot do in their job. I highly recommend this website to work with students of all ages since it fosters creativity while learning.


This page could be useful for our students of all ages and levels, as they can use it to create collages about particular topics and to show them in the class. It is a dynamic and fantastic website.

sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017


Pinterest is an amazing website in which you can look for ideas about school, teaching, decorations, etc; and you can save them in your profile. Students can use this great site to take ideas from it and/ or to create their own Pin. Once students and teachers explore this platform, they will be amazed! I love it!


"Scoop.It" is a remarkable website in which people can read about their favourite topics. Furthermore, students can use this website when they need to seek information or investigate about a particular topic. It is very useful and compelling website.

Prezi Presentation : "Challenging teachers to use their coursebook creatively"

viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

"Movie Maker"

Movie Maker is an amazing tool that allows everyone to create spectacular videos. You can make your personal videos, adding and omitting images. In addition, you can add voices, music or write short texts. It´s amazing! I uploaded a moviemaker which is a “voice over”. It consists of adding your voice instead of someone else´s voice. I know it can be difficult but working with this tool can be really funny. By doing a "voice over", students can practice phonetics and rhythm with this excellent activity. It is a worthy tool that everyone should explore.

Technology Resources awakening Curiosity: “POWTOON”

PawToon is an incredible website, which allows young learners to awake their curiosity while learning. This awesome site lets students acquire knowledge and have fun at the same time.


jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

Infography: "EASEL.LY"

"Flipped Classroom"

Flipped classroom is amazing since it
can be implemented and used in our classrooms, fostering students´ motivation.
Through videos, students can learn and relate concepts, optimizing their learning

I shared this incredible short video
because it has moral lesson, which can be analysed in classrooms. 

Photo Essay: “CALAMEO”

This wonderful website lets people upload pdf to create their own presentations or e-book like. It is an interesting and amazing tool to be used in classrooms since students will feel eager to work with the website, optimizing their learning process as well.

"Presentation and Publication Tools: ISSUU"

This extraordinary tool allows everyone to create his or her own e-book. This website can be used in class and students can create their e-book and learn at the same time, as it is an interesting and engaging tool to work with.

Exploration of Visual Tools: "VISME"

Created using Visme. An easy-to-use Infographic Maker.

This fantastic tool can help students create their own infography while leaning. It allows its users to create amazing diagrams, images that contribute to acquire new lexical items or even facts in a funny and interesting way. In this picture, you can appreciate an infography about clothes, which can help students learn vocabulary. Students can create their own personal infography or slides to learn and having fun at the same time.

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

"Seven Complex Lessons for Education in the Future"

The diagram appreciated shows a summary of the different lessons for Education in the future. The author of the incredible book, Edgard  Morin, presents the following lessons in details: "Detecting error and illusion" II. "Principles of pertinent knowledge" III. "Teaching the human condition" IV. "Earth identity" V. " Confronting uncertainties" VI. "Understanding each other" VII. "Ethics for the human genre”.
We created this diagram with my classmates using the extraordinary website “Cacoo”, which allows us to work online. This awesome website lets us create different diagrams at the same time.
It is a good idea to implement this extraordinary website to our classes since it allows students to work collaboratively.

"Ubiquitous Learning"

In this extraordinary video, we can observe that Nicholas Burbules efficiently explains the meaning of "ubiquitous learning". This innovative term refers to the use of technology- mobile technology- to optimize learning. As everyone has mobile phones nowadays, each individual has access to Internet to seek information or search the web for specific concepts, data, facts, etc. Besides, technology makes it possible to broad our minds. As Nicholas Burbules clearly depicts in his speech, ubiquitous learning will bring about sociocultural changes at education since teachers could create technological ways of learning such as blogs for students to practice, share and learn at the same time just by using their mobile phones. Undeniable is the fact that this amazing tool will help students in the learning process.

lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

It is a helpful tool becuase it allows you to create a mindmap with other users at the same time. This website lets you create a collaborative work!

Patch Adams y payamédicos en Iquitos, Amazonas peruano

Este video fue grabado en Perú y claramente demuestra cómo dicha población vive en una humilde población que es alejada de toda realidad..

 Es un hermoso video porque ayuda a reflexionar sobre los pequeños detalles que la vida nos dá; que con tan sólo poco, podemos ser inmensamente feliz.